SustainabilityOutside Directors Roundtable Discussion
TOCALO is seeking to enhance its corporate value by providing solutions for social issues
based on its long-term Vision (Goal for 2030) of “Contributing to a bright future for
people and nature,” and its mission to “Enhance corporate value through continuous
growth focused on ESG.”
Four of the Company’s outside directors sat down to share
their views on TOCALO’s ESG management and talk about future issues they see for the

Kazuyuki Tomita
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Kazuyuki Tomita began his career in 1982 at Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (currently Panasonic Corporation) where he was in charge of semiconductor process and equipment development. He later served as General Manager of the Elemental Technology Development Center of Panasonic Mobile Communications Co., Ltd., President of Panasonic Eco Technology Center Co., Ltd., President, Panasonic Environmental Technology Solutions Co., Ltd. , and in other positions before his appointment as an outside director at TOCALO in 2021. Mr. Tomita concurrently serves as a technical advisor to the Osaka Business Development Agency and an outside director of Qualtec Co., Ltd.
Keiko Takihara
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Keiko Takihara received a Ph.D. as a Medical Doctor from Osaka University in 1986. In 2008, she was appointed as a professor at the Osaka University Health Center (currently the Health and Counseling Center, Osaka University) and professor of cardiovascular medicine at the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine. She subsequently held positions as director of the Health and Counseling Center, as assistant to the president, and as vice president of Osaka University. She has served as an outside director at TOCALO since 2018. Ms. Takihara concurrently serves as professor emeritus at Osaka University and director of the Health Promotion Center of The Kinki Sharyo Co., Ltd.
Toshimitsu Kamakura
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Toshimitsu Kamakura registered as an attorney at law and joined Kamakura and Higaki Law Office (currently Higaki-Kamakura-Terahiro Law Office) in 1990, where he has been a partner of the firm since 1995. Mr. Kamakura joined TOCALO as an outside director in 2019 and concurrently serves as an outside auditor of Kinden Corporation.
Yoko Sato
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Yoko Sato began her career at Showa Ota & Co. (currently Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC) in 1986. She registered as a certified public accountant in 1990 and became a senior partner of Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC in 2011. In 2019, she opened the Yoko Sato Certified Public Accountant Office. Ms. Sato joined TOCALO as an outside director in 2020 and concurrently serves as an outside auditor of Japan Cash Machine Co., Ltd. and an outside director of Sanyo Electric Railway Co., Ltd.
What are your thoughts on TOCALO’s current ESG management?
- ESG management is being applied by using specific KPIs to monitor the Company’s performance and in other ways with the aim of generating sustaining growth.
- Management’s environmental efforts are contributing significantly to society because the Company’s business content addresses social issues.
- The Company has made substantial progress with social activities, which have included creating a Diversity Promotion Office and receiving certification as a Health and Productivity Management Outstanding Organization. However, room for improvement remains, including in the depth of internal adoption of social initiatives.
- Governance has been strengthened in recent years, including establishing a Compliance Committee and Risk Management Committee and revising the whistleblowing system.
Investing in human capital is key to both ESG management and business growth
Surface modification technology helps reduce the environmental impact
manufacturing operations. TOCALO’s ESG management and its growth strategy are thus two
sides of the same coin because increasing its business provides more contribution to
protecting the environment. Investing in human capital is essential to increasing both
its business and its environmental contribution. It’s pleasing to see management
actively discussing ways to better create a growth environment for employees.
The Company created the Diversity Promotion Division and has made
great progress with
human resources initiatives in recent years. I recommended last year that TOCALO apply
to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for certification as a Health and
Productivity Management Outstanding Organization, and it was wonderful to see the
Company be certified on its first attempt.
At the same time, I am closely following
the Company’s progress with its items of materiality to “Improvement of manufacturing
process sophistication and efficiency” and “Cultivation and activation of diverse human
resources.” There is particularly more potential to promote the empowerment of women in
the workforce. I believe management is aiming to increase the number of female directors
and plant managers in the near future. It will be important to increase awareness
throughout the Company about the importance of diversity.

When I’ve talked with female employees, I came away with the impressions
that has their own individual view of how they want to conduct their work. When the
Company has more women in management positions, I think the perspective on work-life
balance will change as will how managers approach their work.
Everyone—men and women—have their own personal ideas about their work
style and career. It will be important to create situations for ambitious and talented
people to freely pursue career opportunities. Having more female managers is one part of
increasing diversity, and I think it will be a step forward for other ways to become
more diverse.

What other issues do you think the Company will need to address or improve in the future?
Developing technology to broaden the Company’s business range

I also think it’s very important that the Company communicates its
intention to apply its thermal spraying technology to new areas. I also think the
Company needs to put more effort into research and development.
Ultimately, the source of TOCALO’s value creation is its technological
capabilities. The semiconductor industry has been a major source for sales, and the
question now is how to expand into other fields. With its strong technical capabilities,
the Company definitely has potential for success. I would also think that demand for its
technologies would be high not just in Japan but overseas as well. Focusing on overseas
markets could be a driver for further business growth.
Continuing to develop the global strategy
TOCALO already has subsidiaries overseas, and developing those
companies, including cultivating employees there, is becoming increasingly important not
only for expanding its global business, but also to offset the impact from the
decreasing workforce in Japan.
That’s very true, and I think there is still room for those subsidiaries
to grow. Plants with clients in the semiconductor industry, which is its core business
area, face a particular challenge because of information confidentiality and the need to
have a separate production line for each equipment manufacturer. For the global
strategy, I think management should take an overall approach to optimizing its plant

What do you personally want to contribute to TOCALO as an outside director?

Stimulate discussions at the Board of Directors meetings
The job of an outside director is to check for any errors or
uncertainties in the facts upon which management is basing its decisions and also to
consider if the public will understand the reasons for the management decisions.
Nomination & Remuneration Advisory Committee, which I chair, discusses advisory matters
as well as various other issues. We sometimes receive information that is fundamental to
the management of the Company, and I think it is wonderful to have a system that allows
discussion of such matters.
It would be great to be able to talk frankly about matters like those as “consultation topics” separate from discussions about management decisions or reporting. I think there are many matters that should be discussed at board meetings even at the time when the fundamental decision is being made to do or not do something.
Advice for enhancing employee well-being
I also think it would be good for the Board of Directors to discuss a
wider range of matters. At the monthly Board meetings, it’s hard to get a full
understanding of what each internal director thinks about an issue or what they envision
for the Company. Talking about a wider range of topics would let us get a better
understanding of each other’s perspectives and enable better discussions.
I look
forward to providing more advice on ways to enhance the sense of well-being of people at
the worksites and managers and to contributing to the TOCALO’s health management and
Sensing changes in the workplace and preventing governance disruptions
I want to get to know the worksites better so I can help strengthen
governance. TOCALO has an open corporate culture and strong business performance. Many
young people have joined the Company, and it seems like there are no significant issues
ahead in the immediate future. But that does not mean the currently positive conditions
will necessarily continue. I view it as the duty of outside directors to point out and
address issues while they are small, before they can undermine governance and lead to
misconduct. It’s extremely important to allow us to visit the plants and other worksites
so we can notice small changes like that. I want to talk to people at the worksites so I
can get a better sense of changes that occur in the Company.
Providing the stakeholders’ view so the Company can grow
In the two years since becoming an outside director, I have visited all
of TOCALO’s plants. At each plant, I asked the plant managers to share their thoughts on
the plant’s management and their contribution to the local community. Hearing what the
employees said, which you can’t hear at the Board meetings, reminded me of how much I
want TOCALO to continue growing its business. Outside directors also must provide the
stakeholders’ perspective and present a view on management that is different from that
of the Company’s directors. I want to see TOCALO continue to grow, and an external
perspective is important for monitoring the Company’s management.